Urgent Care: Current hours are 7 days a week, 8 AM-7 PM. Call 413-614-0039 for an appointment.

Please find below a collection of resources that we find useful- we hope they are useful to you as well!

General Pet Health Information:

  • Cornell Feline Health Center: This is a collection of resources and information on feline health, disease, and medicine, with many articles on specific health conditions.
  • Cornell Canine Health Center: Similar to the Feline Health Center, the Canine Health Center has an extensive collection of disease-specific informational articles.
  • Veterinary Partner: This is a detailed collection of educational articles written for pet owners about various diseases and conditions we encounter in clinical practice. 

Nutrition and Diet Information:

  • BalanceIT: This is a veterinary-supported resource for preparing home-cooked veterinary diets. 
  • Petfoodology: This is a blog written by the Tufts Clinical Nutrition Service.

Oncology Information:

  • AVMA Veterinary Clinical Trials Registry: This is a database of veterinary clinical trials. 
  • Tripawds: This is a community and collection of resources intended for and curated by families of pets who have undergone a limb amputation. 
  • Feline Grimace Scale: This is a method to help us understand if cats are in pain.
  • General Chemotherapy Information: This is a resource written by our oncology team to answer some general questions about chemotherapy in dogs and cats.
  • Chemotherapy and Bloodwork: This is another resource from our oncology team that includes detailed explanations of why we check bloodwork before and after chemotherapy, as well as what (in general) the different numbers on the bloodwork can mean.

Palliative and End-of-Life Care Information: